Содиқ Доноқулович Тошбоев
Қўмита раиси
Телефон : +998 (71) 207-17-58 (қабулхона)
Email: info@religions.uz
Приёмные дни : Жума 15:00 дан 17:00 гача

  Together with local self-government bodies, it ensures the implementation of a unified policy in resolving religious issues in accordance with the legislation on freedom of conscience and religious organizations;

  • takes measures to ensure the interaction and cooperation of state bodies with religious organizations located on the territory of the republic;
  • reflection in the state policy of the interests of religious organizations registered in accordance with the procedure established by law.;
  • performs the functions of coordinating the interaction of state bodies with religious organizations and monitoring the implementation of legislation on freedom of conscience and religious organizations;
  • On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, participates in the development of draft legal acts concerning freedom of conscience and the activities of religious organizations;
  • carries out work on the organization of relations between religious organizations within the republic and abroad;
  • performs other functions in accordance with the charter of the committee and other regulatory legal acts;
  • performs general management of the committee's activities on a one-man basis and is personally responsible for the performance of the tasks and functions assigned to the committee;
  • determines the powers of the deputy chairman and heads of departments, the degree of their personal responsibility in certain areas of the committee's activities;
  • If necessary, the Committee makes changes to the approved structure and approves the staffing table within the established maximum total number and salary fund of employees of the central office;
  • within the limits of its competence, it issues orders and issues orders that are mandatory for the employees of the committee system;
  • the committee approves, in accordance with the established procedure, the model regulations on the divisions of the central office;
  • appoints and dismisses the heads of departments and responsible employees of the central office of the committee in accordance with the procedure established by law;
  • exercises other powers in accordance with the legislation.

The Chairman performs these functions through his deputy, the heads of departments of the committee's staff and other responsible employees.

Махсудов Давронбек Рустамович
Раисининг биринчи ўринбосари
Телефон : +998 (71) 207-17-58
Email: info@religions.uz
Приёмные дни : Душанба 14:00 - 17:00


Дилшод Амонқулович Мамадкулов
Раис ўринбосари
Телефон : +998 (71) 207-17-58
Email: info@religions.uz
Приёмные дни : Сешанба: 10:00-12:00 - Пайшанба: 14:00-17:00
Дилбар Муҳаммедхоновна Ғуломова
Раис ўринбосари
Телефон : +998 (71) 207-17-58
Email: info@religions.uz
Приёмные дни : Чоршанба: 10:00-12:00 - Пайшанба: 14:00-16:00